I'm falling in love with my favorite team!

What a day! what a competition! what a team!

We where nervous really not expecting anything and we also wasn't any good! Or that's what we felt!
All the practice before the competition was really not that great!
But when we got out there and the music came on I cried while I was on the floor as coach!
I was proud of them before this but now this is something that has changed everything in me!
They are the best team to train not of what they can but who they are!

We took silver in both exercise and we took it all the way without thinking about what prize or anything!
We had an incredible day with lots of laughters and joy and fun and jumping around!
Having a group that has the same energi and commitment as their coaches can take us all the way to gold one day!
But best of all we kicked ass all the way and we didn't stop there!

Even the champions that took gold our competitions that had been training for 4 years and the champions of male-class where screaming and shouting
"Shit they are really good" and we have that on tape! They where screamin and cheering for us and realizing how damn good we are for being a beginnersteam that just started training together for two months ago!
With injuries!

Im proud yes I am! proud of myself because my boys and girls see me as their leader that made them who they are and I see them as champions that made me a better trainer!

A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't
-Jack Demsey-


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