Lion with a scent of a flower in the autumn

Oki Im writing some screenplays and now you have the problem of choosing names for the characters...
But then I got off track and had to find out what the meaning of my four names..Firstname 1, Familyname, First name 2 and Middlename.

The first translation is pretty off...I didn't understand why my parents didn't just keep it one time but they had to go and change it after awile to a more european style and double the letters up.
Maybe because both of them where spending too much time in europe that they felt like changing my name to...
But anyways...My firstname vol. 1 was not Lili...nope Im sorry folks...
It was just plain...Ly...My father gave me that name...easy simple...nothing more...that was the origin of the name that I have now...Lili...My mother changed it after a while...the thing is that my aunt and cousins and the rest of my familygang calls me simply's on my birthcertificate that my grandfather has...
Well it means nothing more then Lion...and what a coincidence. Im a augustchild...born in the sign of a lion...
Flashy right

So let's go over to the familyname which is Pham...And from what I can tell it means "Offend" like you know hating ditching trashtalk you name it...That is the closest that you could translate that...The only sentence that name works in is
"Offend the law"
So you pretty much have a lion that is offending the law...
Im an outlaw..A gangster...a thug...what can I do...
just Keep it gangster!

The other name such as my second firstname...I know it sounds stupid having a second first name which should be the first but when you already have a first den it has to be second...But second names there is no such thing..What I have is a second first name cause Im pretty damn special so I can have two first names...
But well that name H---- means "scent of a flower"
Not what scent and not even a specific flower...Just means the scent of a flower or more like a delicious scent of something somewhat like a flower/perfume...that is pretty confusing since som flowers smells like shit and so do some perfumes...Im gonna go with being a lovely smell instead of smelling like crap...

and the last name...the middle means autumn...just autumn...I love autumn...It's the one seasons where you see soft red yellow brown soft's windy I know but autumn is the only season where you are wearing the most beautiful clothes of the year...beautiful scarfs and light autumn-jackets with the little boots and you can where skirts and have a little umbrella and maybe a pretty hat...I love the's a good there you have it people...

Lion with a scent of a flower in the autumn


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