I wonder if you know how we live in Gothenburg?

Listen baby!
We are not that healthy...we do drink and party but this time we are completly healthy...Just eating cheesecrackers that taste lite fart...what ever fart taste like and drink tee with lots of sugar and eat digestivecookies like it was the day before execution.
Now I've been told one to many times that I shouldn't put up horrible pictures on facebook and tagg their faces so I decided to put the pictures up at the blog...Why not? fuck integrity and let's be a bunch of show off...a little peep and a little whoopy doo doesn't hurt...

But first I just want to flash of my own homemade sushi...this is the plane...If every futurejob of mine crash into the grown with all off my other childhood dreams then Im going to move to japan to become a kickass Sushichef...Cause I know I have the sushichef in me...I just have to be aggressive...be be aggressive as we cheerleaders just to say...

well have a look and an eyetaste and tell me what you think about my sushi!

Im very aware of the facts that I did enough sushi for the whole population of Japan
But we like sushi and we like a lot of it...enough to feed the whole family for 4 days...4 days until I can spend
christmas with my loved one...
It's going to be awsome and fun and sweet and a bit fruitcakey but still

now for the pictures that you wish you never saw...

The sophisticated one

The hungry one

The phoney one

The Tyra Banks wannabe

The drinker

Taste funny?

The Flirty one

The three course deluxe meal


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