cold as ice

Every fucking winter the same shit happens...
I catch a cold and get really blowned up and can't breath, hear or see...
Which makes me very tired and grumpy...Yesterday me and my family had to go to a friends dinnerparty which made me even worse...I was so tired and hungry but it was a pain in the ass to swallow..I had to have soup...what the fuck!
Let's hope that I get well soon...since I eat medicin like candy...
Now it is so that my mother is looking for tickets to Vietnam everyday every minute so it means that if I know her well then any day now we will be on a plan and if all goes well I will end up on a plane afterward to Japan cause I've been talking about New York and Tokyo ever since I was 8...And New York is my second home so now I have to have a date with Japan to...
I think I would fit in pretty well...

But sorry people I have to go and eat some garlic and have some painkillers...

By the way...I start to train a martial art during spring...triple treath that's my iname


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