I'm falling in love with my favorite team!
What a day! what a competition! what a team!
We where nervous really not expecting anything and we also wasn't any good! Or that's what we felt!
All the practice before the competition was really not that great!
But when we got out there and the music came on I cried while I was on the floor as coach!
I was proud of them before this but now this is something that has changed everything in me!
They are the best team to train not of what they can but who they are!
We took silver in both exercise and we took it all the way without thinking about what prize or anything!
We had an incredible day with lots of laughters and joy and fun and jumping around!
Having a group that has the same energi and commitment as their coaches can take us all the way to gold one day!
But best of all we kicked ass all the way and we didn't stop there!
Even the champions that took gold our competitions that had been training for 4 years and the champions of male-class where screaming and shouting
"Shit they are really good" and we have that on tape! They where screamin and cheering for us and realizing how damn good we are for being a beginnersteam that just started training together for two months ago!
With injuries!
Im proud yes I am! proud of myself because my boys and girls see me as their leader that made them who they are and I see them as champions that made me a better trainer!
We where nervous really not expecting anything and we also wasn't any good! Or that's what we felt!
All the practice before the competition was really not that great!
But when we got out there and the music came on I cried while I was on the floor as coach!
I was proud of them before this but now this is something that has changed everything in me!
They are the best team to train not of what they can but who they are!
We took silver in both exercise and we took it all the way without thinking about what prize or anything!
We had an incredible day with lots of laughters and joy and fun and jumping around!
Having a group that has the same energi and commitment as their coaches can take us all the way to gold one day!
But best of all we kicked ass all the way and we didn't stop there!
Even the champions that took gold our competitions that had been training for 4 years and the champions of male-class where screaming and shouting
"Shit they are really good" and we have that on tape! They where screamin and cheering for us and realizing how damn good we are for being a beginnersteam that just started training together for two months ago!
With injuries!
Im proud yes I am! proud of myself because my boys and girls see me as their leader that made them who they are and I see them as champions that made me a better trainer!
A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't
-Jack Demsey-

-Jack Demsey-

Tonight you're falling in love
Why do I have to catch a cold again!
Maybe it's to early to wear a dress...to cold outside maybe? who cares!
Tonight is the night before the last practice before the competition for my gymnasts..
I have to buy some hairspray...I have to look pretty to...I ain't no shame ladies do your thing...
But what I do need is to get well before the competition and look good also...
It's going to be a tight schedule! rush in change makeup and fix hair...Ofcourse we have to fix my hair before my gymnasts...
And then afterwards I have to hide...Hide away from that gymnast/leader that I accidently smacked in a course...
I didn't smack him in that way but more like friendly highfive on his oversweaty abs after a tzuka (a volt)
my gymnasts told me that I shouldn't wash my hands after that...what the hell!
ofcourse every little girl under the age of 15 thinks that he is supercute...I just think it's a bit überkväm!
Maybe it's to early to wear a dress...to cold outside maybe? who cares!
Tonight is the night before the last practice before the competition for my gymnasts..
I have to buy some hairspray...I have to look pretty to...I ain't no shame ladies do your thing...
But what I do need is to get well before the competition and look good also...
It's going to be a tight schedule! rush in change makeup and fix hair...Ofcourse we have to fix my hair before my gymnasts...
And then afterwards I have to hide...Hide away from that gymnast/leader that I accidently smacked in a course...
I didn't smack him in that way but more like friendly highfive on his oversweaty abs after a tzuka (a volt)
my gymnasts told me that I shouldn't wash my hands after that...what the hell!
ofcourse every little girl under the age of 15 thinks that he is supercute...I just think it's a bit überkväm!
Dance with somebody!!
This is the song that team mix lugi will compete to!
Fabolous a la mando diao
Fabolous a la mando diao
Competition sil vous plait!
Yes sir!
Little me and my team are flying off to a competition this saturday...
OK we are not flying, we are driving and going south down down down we are going down
To Höllviken more likely...
We come in peace...Haha no screw peace! we come strong and hard like Lean mean Killing Machine...
None of us look like pretty little gymnasts with ponytails and curly hair!
We go hard and mean....We are the team that goes all in even through broken bones and blood sweat and Power...
No time for cuddle! the other teams can win all the little battles but we will win this war!
Little me and my team are flying off to a competition this saturday...
OK we are not flying, we are driving and going south down down down we are going down
To Höllviken more likely...
We come in peace...Haha no screw peace! we come strong and hard like Lean mean Killing Machine...
None of us look like pretty little gymnasts with ponytails and curly hair!
We go hard and mean....We are the team that goes all in even through broken bones and blood sweat and Power...
No time for cuddle! the other teams can win all the little battles but we will win this war!
Friday the 13
Im gonna tell you about my friday the 13th...
No one will ever be able to come up to me and say that there is no way that bad things can happen...
Im the living prof of what has happened.
I decided that me and my group of gymnast that I train to change trainingday from thursday to friday...Silly me that I forget that it was friday the 13th...not that it matters at all...since we have just about a week before competition for the first time with this team...
6 Boys and 14 girls are going to compete next sunday...
Anyways...the trainingsession started off really well...everyone was quite for once and focused...
It was a calm chill traning that friday and just 30 min before the training would end...
We where training on the trampolin with double volts and when you do the double volts you have to keep your legs apart so that the head have some place to go...
One of my gymnast has been doing that volt many times before but something happen...
She held her legs closed to her and kept together...When she landed on the math she asked me if she had a nosebleed.
Im happy that I have a good eyesight and not halfblind like some people do and I could see from a couple of meters away that she was bleeding but she was bleeding on the top of her nose and something appears to look like a bone...
I jumped down on the math that she was lying on and slipped my hand under her neck to keep her head up so that she could breath. And I could feel and see the blood just flushing out from her nose like some kind of bad horror slasher jason movie...Where did I get my calmness from? I don't have a clue but I managed to keep her and the rest of the group amazingly calm...a miracle...
I lied to them...She asked me if she had broken her nose and I said calm and slowly "no honey you just got a bump, you look fine but we will call an ambulance just incase"
I was shaking when I called the ambulance but I managed to explain where we where and also what had happen and at the same time keeping her calm...And suprisingly she was really calm and laughed about the whole accident which was absolutly amazing.
The ambulance came after 15 minutes...during these 15 minutes it felt like 1 hour...She started to shake really hard in my hands and I still had my hands behind her neck and the other hand whipping blood from her face and keeping her breathing to not fall into a blackout because of chock...
Then the ambulance came and we went of to the hospital..I told the rest to just close the doors and that we would see each other on the next practice...
I heard one of the gymnast asking me if I had been thru this kind of accident before!
I lied and told them ofcourse I had been thru this 100 times before and I tried to smile and went into the ambulance...
I held her hands and made her think about fun things and told her stupid stories from my time as a gymnast and keep telling my girl that it looked worse then it is always...
And the doctor could stich her up and tejped and then her parents came to pick her up and I some how managed to calm them down...After some paper work we could all go home to rest...My gymnast with a broken nose but still full of energy and joy even through the accident...
as I was on my way to the centralstation I started to think about the accident and then right there at centralstation I started to get a panicattack...Now the chock hit me..It was alot of blood, a broken nose that you could see the bone...ambulance and a gymnast that was shaking and parents that where worried and stiches and needles and the sound of her nose breaking...
I saw the accident replayed over and over again in my mind and when I got home I couldn't sleep or eat I just staired at the wall and started crying....
I started to question my self as a trainer and as a gymnast and judge and everything about me and gymnastics...
I felt like I didn't deserved to be anybodys trainer after that and that everthing was my fault and I was scared that what if this happens again...what if it was me that made her do the volt? and now she has a broken nose...
I finally managed to sleep but the whole night I kept dreaming nightmares about her...and the accident....
the whole saturday I just walked around like a ghost and hating the fact that I had to get to the gymnastichall the next day to have another training after all that has happened and seeing the accident over and over again...
I decided to mail all the parents so that they wouldn't worry for their children at practice even though I had lost a big amount of confidence when it comes to being a trainer but I had to let the parents know that it happened and what I did about it...
Today during practice I felt good..even trough the nightmares and the image of the accident over and over again I had to just shut myself up and act like a trainer and not like a gymnast...And all my gymnasts where calm even after all...
And they where curious about how the doctor treated her and how she was feeling...
And now when I just arrived home I open my mail and had received alot of mail from the parents that my gymnasts after the accident went home and told their parents that "Lili was so cool"
It wasn't so bad maybe after all..I did my best and I did what a good trainer should do and my gymnasts they trust me even after this...my confidence is back and it feels ok...hopefully no more nightmares....
No one will ever be able to come up to me and say that there is no way that bad things can happen...
Im the living prof of what has happened.
I decided that me and my group of gymnast that I train to change trainingday from thursday to friday...Silly me that I forget that it was friday the 13th...not that it matters at all...since we have just about a week before competition for the first time with this team...
6 Boys and 14 girls are going to compete next sunday...
Anyways...the trainingsession started off really well...everyone was quite for once and focused...
It was a calm chill traning that friday and just 30 min before the training would end...
We where training on the trampolin with double volts and when you do the double volts you have to keep your legs apart so that the head have some place to go...
One of my gymnast has been doing that volt many times before but something happen...
She held her legs closed to her and kept together...When she landed on the math she asked me if she had a nosebleed.
Im happy that I have a good eyesight and not halfblind like some people do and I could see from a couple of meters away that she was bleeding but she was bleeding on the top of her nose and something appears to look like a bone...
I jumped down on the math that she was lying on and slipped my hand under her neck to keep her head up so that she could breath. And I could feel and see the blood just flushing out from her nose like some kind of bad horror slasher jason movie...Where did I get my calmness from? I don't have a clue but I managed to keep her and the rest of the group amazingly calm...a miracle...
I lied to them...She asked me if she had broken her nose and I said calm and slowly "no honey you just got a bump, you look fine but we will call an ambulance just incase"
I was shaking when I called the ambulance but I managed to explain where we where and also what had happen and at the same time keeping her calm...And suprisingly she was really calm and laughed about the whole accident which was absolutly amazing.
The ambulance came after 15 minutes...during these 15 minutes it felt like 1 hour...She started to shake really hard in my hands and I still had my hands behind her neck and the other hand whipping blood from her face and keeping her breathing to not fall into a blackout because of chock...
Then the ambulance came and we went of to the hospital..I told the rest to just close the doors and that we would see each other on the next practice...
I heard one of the gymnast asking me if I had been thru this kind of accident before!
I lied and told them ofcourse I had been thru this 100 times before and I tried to smile and went into the ambulance...
I held her hands and made her think about fun things and told her stupid stories from my time as a gymnast and keep telling my girl that it looked worse then it is always...
And the doctor could stich her up and tejped and then her parents came to pick her up and I some how managed to calm them down...After some paper work we could all go home to rest...My gymnast with a broken nose but still full of energy and joy even through the accident...
as I was on my way to the centralstation I started to think about the accident and then right there at centralstation I started to get a panicattack...Now the chock hit me..It was alot of blood, a broken nose that you could see the bone...ambulance and a gymnast that was shaking and parents that where worried and stiches and needles and the sound of her nose breaking...
I saw the accident replayed over and over again in my mind and when I got home I couldn't sleep or eat I just staired at the wall and started crying....
I started to question my self as a trainer and as a gymnast and judge and everything about me and gymnastics...
I felt like I didn't deserved to be anybodys trainer after that and that everthing was my fault and I was scared that what if this happens again...what if it was me that made her do the volt? and now she has a broken nose...
I finally managed to sleep but the whole night I kept dreaming nightmares about her...and the accident....
the whole saturday I just walked around like a ghost and hating the fact that I had to get to the gymnastichall the next day to have another training after all that has happened and seeing the accident over and over again...
I decided to mail all the parents so that they wouldn't worry for their children at practice even though I had lost a big amount of confidence when it comes to being a trainer but I had to let the parents know that it happened and what I did about it...
Today during practice I felt good..even trough the nightmares and the image of the accident over and over again I had to just shut myself up and act like a trainer and not like a gymnast...And all my gymnasts where calm even after all...
And they where curious about how the doctor treated her and how she was feeling...
And now when I just arrived home I open my mail and had received alot of mail from the parents that my gymnasts after the accident went home and told their parents that "Lili was so cool"
It wasn't so bad maybe after all..I did my best and I did what a good trainer should do and my gymnasts they trust me even after this...my confidence is back and it feels ok...hopefully no more nightmares....
recently my ego is going through the roof
time: 02:49
activity: Music and Food
participants: Lili
chapter one:
2005, first year as a gymnasticleader, 17 years old going on 18...
My own coach had a course for all the leaders at the club...A course about diet and health...
Cause the worst thing that a gymnast can do is to have an eating disorder...And it was our responsability to tell our gymnasts about food and healthy food especially.
I used to eat 2 hours before every practice...pasta was a good start...and alot of vegetables...I love vegetables I can eat a package of carrots in no times and paprika please it's like fruit...
And after every training I always have a fruit and a big bottle of water...No wonder I had no problems with 4 days of training with 2 different teams plus my own team of gymnast.
chapter two:
2007 just turned 20...had ups and downs...a breakup...almost at the level of a divorce...my friends his friend my thing his things...Started to work alot...almost to much...short breaks and alot of candy...and coffe...if you work at an office then coffe is both your hero and villain...
so I started to drink more coffe then usual...
The big turn was when I bought a termo-mug...Portable coffe to work and school and at school there was a coffemachine and at work someone always brought me coffe cause well...Look at me Im cute...
It started of with coffe...and after a while I ended up with mr coffe himself...driversteacher...
You could say that he was my dealer and I was the crazy coffeaddict...
he had the espresso machine Nespresso....Look it up it's the machine made by evil coffemakers that wants to slowly pull you into the world of the brown liquid drug...
chapter three:
2008, september...Denmark, Copenhagen, Long days and 3 hours trainride back and forth everyday to the office in denmark...I did eat well some days...Not everyday...But most of the time...
the coffe was still there...the portable coffemug was with me almost everyday...and the more coffe I drank the harder the gymnastic went and the harder that went, even more nauseas did I get...and it ends up with a back that hurts...a neck that is capute...and muscles that gives up once in a while...
It went a bit to far and to bad with my diet that I looked like something just died on my face...No energy in my body...
and then he came along that blue eyed dude that gave me a banana..
And well if a girl gets a banana we don't say no to that....the big yellow banana made my day but I was still trapped in the evil world of candy and coffe...
chapter four:
last day of practice...freedom? no...back to the old life...No...
I was in a relationship...well a kind of relationship..well no not a relationship...more like a situation...and situations after situations and after on and off again...me and the banana-dude where confused...no communications...one to many times standing in the rain with tears..one to many times acting like a damn fool...one to many times both of us didn't quite appreciated the moment and got caught up in bad thoughts...
My diet started to walk away from me...
1 big latte 1 croissant 3 pingvinstång...
that was my breakfast at 8
that was my dinner at 17 and that was my late night supper at 21...
Interesting how this 5 little things can turn you upside down..
and you get completly koko...
and then you mess up your own sleepcycle and trow up occasionally after activitys...No Im not pregnant...cause that would be the easy part...and I don't have an eating disorder since I believe that bacon and pancakes are Gods gift to the people...
And I can eat food..Im hungry all the time...But my ego has been running of somewhere far away...
I haven't been eating for 36 hours...and sleeping for less then 5 hours per day...I woke up at 14 yesterday and had the strange feeling that I just eat my whole family...It was me hallucinating and hungry which explanes why I dreamt that I just eat my whole family...
chapter five:
copenhagen wine homemade chocolatetryffles made by me...and then Im up to almost 48 hours without proper food in my stomach...from 00:00 - 05:35 no sleep...05:36 He has closed his eyes...heavy breathing..and a little snoreing...
I don't mind it...I just breath in for a while...it was difficult to fall asleep cause I could hear my own heartbeats...and then at I think it was at 8:30 or maybe 9 Im not sure...But it was about then where I felt that my eyes where falling...And just the second before I fall to sleep he wakes up...such a bad timing...I sleep for a while for how long I don't now...
But when I started to open my eyes I felt nauseas again...really bad...I felt drunk and it felt like having a fever.
and then he showed up again...I didn't hallucinate that and he wasn't gone...I got some breakfast and greentea and muesli and ricemilk and applejuice and multivitamins and well the rest of the day went well really well even with bad news it still went well...
chapter six:
Malmö C. I fell asleep the whole way from Norreport to Malmö...
I was thirsty and found myself walking to espressohouse...I felt like the whole day with him and with greentea was something that Im about to sacrifice for a cup of coffe and Im going back to my old diet and life...
the cashier open her mouth asking me what I wanted to drink and I heard myself say:
- I would like that wholemeal salmon sandwich and a cup of greentea please...
I got my cup and sandwich and sat down for a while to wake up...and then I realized that I just order a cup of greentea when I could order a big latte and a cookie. This is not a trend thing this is for real now...I forgot to mention that I have found my best nap-partner...It is a huge step...just falling asleep with a person...That moment when you just sleep...
No stress no obligations no confusion...It was a powernap...just for an hour just an hour where both your mind and soul is at standby...
Im going to bed now and the time right now is 04:24
it's late I know but Im feeling good...if you can't reach me for hours and maybe even a day it's because Im catching up on my sleeping...
Goodnight folks
activity: Music and Food
participants: Lili
chapter one:
2005, first year as a gymnasticleader, 17 years old going on 18...
My own coach had a course for all the leaders at the club...A course about diet and health...
Cause the worst thing that a gymnast can do is to have an eating disorder...And it was our responsability to tell our gymnasts about food and healthy food especially.
I used to eat 2 hours before every practice...pasta was a good start...and alot of vegetables...I love vegetables I can eat a package of carrots in no times and paprika please it's like fruit...
And after every training I always have a fruit and a big bottle of water...No wonder I had no problems with 4 days of training with 2 different teams plus my own team of gymnast.
chapter two:
2007 just turned 20...had ups and downs...a breakup...almost at the level of a divorce...my friends his friend my thing his things...Started to work alot...almost to much...short breaks and alot of candy...and coffe...if you work at an office then coffe is both your hero and villain...
so I started to drink more coffe then usual...
The big turn was when I bought a termo-mug...Portable coffe to work and school and at school there was a coffemachine and at work someone always brought me coffe cause well...Look at me Im cute...
It started of with coffe...and after a while I ended up with mr coffe himself...driversteacher...
You could say that he was my dealer and I was the crazy coffeaddict...
he had the espresso machine Nespresso....Look it up it's the machine made by evil coffemakers that wants to slowly pull you into the world of the brown liquid drug...
chapter three:
2008, september...Denmark, Copenhagen, Long days and 3 hours trainride back and forth everyday to the office in denmark...I did eat well some days...Not everyday...But most of the time...
the coffe was still there...the portable coffemug was with me almost everyday...and the more coffe I drank the harder the gymnastic went and the harder that went, even more nauseas did I get...and it ends up with a back that hurts...a neck that is capute...and muscles that gives up once in a while...
It went a bit to far and to bad with my diet that I looked like something just died on my face...No energy in my body...
and then he came along that blue eyed dude that gave me a banana..
And well if a girl gets a banana we don't say no to that....the big yellow banana made my day but I was still trapped in the evil world of candy and coffe...
chapter four:
last day of practice...freedom? no...back to the old life...No...
I was in a relationship...well a kind of relationship..well no not a relationship...more like a situation...and situations after situations and after on and off again...me and the banana-dude where confused...no communications...one to many times standing in the rain with tears..one to many times acting like a damn fool...one to many times both of us didn't quite appreciated the moment and got caught up in bad thoughts...
My diet started to walk away from me...
1 big latte 1 croissant 3 pingvinstång...
that was my breakfast at 8
that was my dinner at 17 and that was my late night supper at 21...
Interesting how this 5 little things can turn you upside down..
and you get completly koko...
and then you mess up your own sleepcycle and trow up occasionally after activitys...No Im not pregnant...cause that would be the easy part...and I don't have an eating disorder since I believe that bacon and pancakes are Gods gift to the people...
And I can eat food..Im hungry all the time...But my ego has been running of somewhere far away...
I haven't been eating for 36 hours...and sleeping for less then 5 hours per day...I woke up at 14 yesterday and had the strange feeling that I just eat my whole family...It was me hallucinating and hungry which explanes why I dreamt that I just eat my whole family...
chapter five:
copenhagen wine homemade chocolatetryffles made by me...and then Im up to almost 48 hours without proper food in my stomach...from 00:00 - 05:35 no sleep...05:36 He has closed his eyes...heavy breathing..and a little snoreing...
I don't mind it...I just breath in for a while...it was difficult to fall asleep cause I could hear my own heartbeats...and then at I think it was at 8:30 or maybe 9 Im not sure...But it was about then where I felt that my eyes where falling...And just the second before I fall to sleep he wakes up...such a bad timing...I sleep for a while for how long I don't now...
But when I started to open my eyes I felt nauseas again...really bad...I felt drunk and it felt like having a fever.
and then he showed up again...I didn't hallucinate that and he wasn't gone...I got some breakfast and greentea and muesli and ricemilk and applejuice and multivitamins and well the rest of the day went well really well even with bad news it still went well...
chapter six:
Malmö C. I fell asleep the whole way from Norreport to Malmö...
I was thirsty and found myself walking to espressohouse...I felt like the whole day with him and with greentea was something that Im about to sacrifice for a cup of coffe and Im going back to my old diet and life...
the cashier open her mouth asking me what I wanted to drink and I heard myself say:
- I would like that wholemeal salmon sandwich and a cup of greentea please...
I got my cup and sandwich and sat down for a while to wake up...and then I realized that I just order a cup of greentea when I could order a big latte and a cookie. This is not a trend thing this is for real now...I forgot to mention that I have found my best nap-partner...It is a huge step...just falling asleep with a person...That moment when you just sleep...
No stress no obligations no confusion...It was a powernap...just for an hour just an hour where both your mind and soul is at standby...
Im going to bed now and the time right now is 04:24
it's late I know but Im feeling good...if you can't reach me for hours and maybe even a day it's because Im catching up on my sleeping...
Goodnight folks
Please don't stop music
My girl are snapping up my gymnasticsroutine that I made for them...But my attention goes to one of the girls named Siri...
She reminds me soo much of myself when I trained those kind of moves...
She never said anything most of the time and when we are picking spots for the routine she stands in the back...
I did the same thing...It is a little bit tacky wanting to stand in in front if you ain't got the moves right and I have a tendency to put to high expectation on myself and thought that everybody else did that on me, so I stood in back...and if somebody pulled me to the front then I would try to outdance myself to...
But this little girl Siri she dance technicly exactly the same as I do...
We did the routine at the same time and well it was creepy how even we was...
She is as bad as me on the other gymnasticparts...but we outdance the rest of the team...
So cute...Mini-Lili is faboulous...
But the rest of the girls is snapping up really well...
Even thought they can't shut the hell up...
But 12 - 14 year old girls could never really shut up, that I know...
But now I have to get my ass up from the computer and into the showers and get going to copenhagen...
the weather is bad bad bad
and my back is bad bad bad
And my knees are feeling a bit soggy cause we rolled on the floor yesterday
Peace out Malmö
She reminds me soo much of myself when I trained those kind of moves...
She never said anything most of the time and when we are picking spots for the routine she stands in the back...
I did the same thing...It is a little bit tacky wanting to stand in in front if you ain't got the moves right and I have a tendency to put to high expectation on myself and thought that everybody else did that on me, so I stood in back...and if somebody pulled me to the front then I would try to outdance myself to...
But this little girl Siri she dance technicly exactly the same as I do...
We did the routine at the same time and well it was creepy how even we was...
She is as bad as me on the other gymnasticparts...but we outdance the rest of the team...
So cute...Mini-Lili is faboulous...
But the rest of the girls is snapping up really well...
Even thought they can't shut the hell up...
But 12 - 14 year old girls could never really shut up, that I know...
But now I have to get my ass up from the computer and into the showers and get going to copenhagen...
the weather is bad bad bad
and my back is bad bad bad
And my knees are feeling a bit soggy cause we rolled on the floor yesterday
Peace out Malmö
And the hardest part was letting go, not taking part
Im trying to do this superadvanced dance/gymnastic-program for my gymnasts...Which is hard...since I feel like to be able to teach them to do the exact same movements this trainer has to be able to do it to...
I never believed in having trainers that are totally out of shape and just screams at the gymnast do this do that...Not when they are 12 - 14 like my girls...
Besides Im 21 so I should be able to roll on my back and do the same jumps and things that I want them to do...
But it really isn't an easy job...
My back hurts from catching one of those girls that is the same size at me...
Which is enough to crack my back...
But yes right now Im kind of dizzy from spinning on the floor and rolling and going up and piruettes down and stretch...
Showbusiness hurts
I never believed in having trainers that are totally out of shape and just screams at the gymnast do this do that...Not when they are 12 - 14 like my girls...
Besides Im 21 so I should be able to roll on my back and do the same jumps and things that I want them to do...
But it really isn't an easy job...
My back hurts from catching one of those girls that is the same size at me...
Which is enough to crack my back...
But yes right now Im kind of dizzy from spinning on the floor and rolling and going up and piruettes down and stretch...
Showbusiness hurts
Let your private emotion come to me
I just made a chocolate-cake...
Cake makes a person happy...Just by baking it and then eating it...
Im like the character Izzie from Grey's Anatomy...I bake when Im sad or happy or feeling any kind of private emotions...
And what a beautiful cake....
But first things first...
Check out my judging out-fit...
Very konservative Bible-salesman outfit...Maybe next time I can go like tila tequila in a bikini and kittycat-ears on my head

These where my photographers of the day...They filmed some material for the commercial that Im going to make for my gymnasticsclub
aren't they fab? Very very professional

Very cute that I even had a card where it said Lili Pham Press
Gangster Im telling you...Im one step closer to taking over the world

And here we have Högevallsbadets Sporthall
Good Hall...Nice lights...
And on the white tables in the middle there was the judges table...I gave points in the Trampett...
That is the big ass blue-red thing in the middle...
Fantastic gymnastic did we skåningar get to see that afternoon....
My first time as a judge...nervous as hell and these kids go and do crazy difficult stuff that you wouldn't normally get to see that often...But luckily I am incredible critical and not easy to impress so I could handle the hard stuff...
and the last thing before I have to go to sleep...
I saw the biggest big ass rainbow I have ever seen...It went like a bow right over me...wonderful
Cake makes a person happy...Just by baking it and then eating it...
Im like the character Izzie from Grey's Anatomy...I bake when Im sad or happy or feeling any kind of private emotions...
And what a beautiful cake....
But first things first...
Check out my judging out-fit...
Very konservative Bible-salesman outfit...Maybe next time I can go like tila tequila in a bikini and kittycat-ears on my head

These where my photographers of the day...They filmed some material for the commercial that Im going to make for my gymnasticsclub
aren't they fab? Very very professional

Very cute that I even had a card where it said Lili Pham Press
Gangster Im telling you...Im one step closer to taking over the world

And here we have Högevallsbadets Sporthall
Good Hall...Nice lights...
And on the white tables in the middle there was the judges table...I gave points in the Trampett...
That is the big ass blue-red thing in the middle...
Fantastic gymnastic did we skåningar get to see that afternoon....
My first time as a judge...nervous as hell and these kids go and do crazy difficult stuff that you wouldn't normally get to see that often...But luckily I am incredible critical and not easy to impress so I could handle the hard stuff...
and the last thing before I have to go to sleep...
I saw the biggest big ass rainbow I have ever seen...It went like a bow right over me...wonderful
Time waits for no man
it's like so...I don't have time for much nowadays...
Since I past my test to be a gymnastic-jugde in troup-gymnastic I felt like Im in love again...
The feeling of sitting in front of a big audience and having the power of 400 gymnasts...You might get a little overwhelmed...
Im happy though...but when you are as focus as I am on one task, it's so easy to forget about many other things in life...
Such as my application to Colombia...Im trying so hard to not think about it but yet I do try to think about it all the time...
I have essays that aren't finish and Im hating myself a little more everyday cause I don't have the mind of a writer...
Im trying to take a bit of my life and a bit of others and a bit of something good and something bad...
It's hard people...Maybe this is a sign that Im not ready to apply for this school...Yet it feels like a place for me...
It has a total different level...and for a person like me who sometimes aim to high it's perfect...
But maybe Im going over the top on this one...
Well see...I have some ideas in store...
I've just got to plane my next move....And from what I've understand...Showbusiness is all about kick everybody down and lick you way up...
That is not my path...Im on my way to a life that Im worthy of having and doing things that I love...
what this business need is not another backstabbing son of a bitch...
It's Showtime
Since I past my test to be a gymnastic-jugde in troup-gymnastic I felt like Im in love again...
The feeling of sitting in front of a big audience and having the power of 400 gymnasts...You might get a little overwhelmed...
Im happy though...but when you are as focus as I am on one task, it's so easy to forget about many other things in life...
Such as my application to Colombia...Im trying so hard to not think about it but yet I do try to think about it all the time...
I have essays that aren't finish and Im hating myself a little more everyday cause I don't have the mind of a writer...
Im trying to take a bit of my life and a bit of others and a bit of something good and something bad...
It's hard people...Maybe this is a sign that Im not ready to apply for this school...Yet it feels like a place for me...
It has a total different level...and for a person like me who sometimes aim to high it's perfect...
But maybe Im going over the top on this one...
Well see...I have some ideas in store...
I've just got to plane my next move....And from what I've understand...Showbusiness is all about kick everybody down and lick you way up...
That is not my path...Im on my way to a life that Im worthy of having and doing things that I love...
what this business need is not another backstabbing son of a bitch...
It's Showtime
Flickor små kör flick-flack
Klart jag är stolt över mina flickor. Tävling snart och dem kör ju iallafall flickisar jämfört med många blandrasgrupper. Alltså grupper med
gymnaster i alldeles för olika nivåer. Dem här jäntorna ska fylla 15 nästa år. Herregud så småttingar. Tar mig tillbaks till tiden då jag var 14 +.
14år Började i Cheerleading.
14 ½ tävlade distriktmästerskap i cheerleading med Gothenburg Cheer One. Vann DMguld och Overall Winner Pokalen.
15år tävlade sista året som junior i cheerleading. Silver.
16år var med i uttagning för vmgruppen i cheerleading. Kom inte med på grund av jag var för ung. (?)
16½ tävlar istället individuell senior i cheerleading. Silver DM och 4 plats SM samtidigt som jag tävlade UTdistrikt UTregion och UTriksmästerskap (riksmästerskap och SM i cheer var veckorna efter varandra. Ena i Halmstad och andra i Stockholm.)
17år tävlar för UT distrikt och region för att hjälpa upp lag 2 i Kennedy. Tog dem till final...Efter det hoppade man över till Riksmästarskapet i Trupp med RMäldre laget. Väldigt Strategiskt.
18år Tävla med JSM gruppen på Göteborgstruppen.
and so and so.
Om jag skryter*? U bet your ass on it
gymnaster i alldeles för olika nivåer. Dem här jäntorna ska fylla 15 nästa år. Herregud så småttingar. Tar mig tillbaks till tiden då jag var 14 +.
14år Började i Cheerleading.
14 ½ tävlade distriktmästerskap i cheerleading med Gothenburg Cheer One. Vann DMguld och Overall Winner Pokalen.
15år tävlade sista året som junior i cheerleading. Silver.
16år var med i uttagning för vmgruppen i cheerleading. Kom inte med på grund av jag var för ung. (?)
16½ tävlar istället individuell senior i cheerleading. Silver DM och 4 plats SM samtidigt som jag tävlade UTdistrikt UTregion och UTriksmästerskap (riksmästerskap och SM i cheer var veckorna efter varandra. Ena i Halmstad och andra i Stockholm.)
17år tävlar för UT distrikt och region för att hjälpa upp lag 2 i Kennedy. Tog dem till final...Efter det hoppade man över till Riksmästarskapet i Trupp med RMäldre laget. Väldigt Strategiskt.
18år Tävla med JSM gruppen på Göteborgstruppen.
and so and so.
Om jag skryter*? U bet your ass on it